CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 4mins Row @ increasing intensity -EMOM 3 V-ups + 3 PVC shoulder dislocates B. Bar mu Skill 2 sets 3/3 Hanging Scapular C.A.R’s 3 Beat swings + elevation 3 Hip to bar C. Specific 3 sets 4/4 Front rack lunges @ ascending 6 Fast Hollow banded...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 30 sec Jumping Jack 30 sec Down & ups 30 air squats 10 Rotating scorpions 10 Full squat T spine rotations 10 Alternating high box step ups B. Specific 3 rounds @ ascending intensity 3 Burpee over wall 7 Wall balls 7 Deadlifts 3 Bar facing burpees 100m Row...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 2 rounds 1 min Row 10 Scorpions 10 Prone PVC press 5 Push Up to Down Dog 15 Knee Raises C. Specific 2 sets 3 Strict press (1 ¼) @ light to moderate 3 Jumping pull up + negative 3 seconds* *Pair up athletes and have spotters...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 2 rounds 25ft bear crawl 12 Reverse Lunges 5 Push Up to Downdog 10 Reverse Fly 10 Beat Swings B. Specific 3-5 Snatch lift off 3-5 Slow Snatch deadlifts 3-5 Tempo Snatch high pull with pause at extension 3-5 Tall muscle squat snatch 3-5 Tempo Squat...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 3 sets 30 sec Bike/Row/Ski/100m Run 10 KB goblet squats 10 Russian KB swings B. Mobility PNF hamstring stretch 5x/leg 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot 5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back C. Activation 3 sets 8/8 Banded monster walk 2 Pause...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 3 rounds 30 Jumping Jacks 5 PVC shoulder dislocates 10 Plate G2OH 10 ScapulaPull Ups 20 Shoulder Taps B. Part B Specific metcon prep 2 sets @ increasing intensity 1 ring mu/Pull up/Russian Dip 2 DB snatch 3 hspu *Rest 30 seconds between setsGymnasticsA: Ring Muscle-up Drills (Checkmark)...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 3 rounds 10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity 10 Rotating scorpions 5/5 Hanging scapular C.A.R's B. Activation 3 sets @ascending 5 Pause Bench press 5 Pendaly rows 10 Banded W-Y C. Specific Skill practice 5-10 mins: Rope climb progression Spend individual time with athletes helping them understand the point...

AnnouncementsOpen shirts are in!! If you ordered a shirt, please let one of the coach's know and they will grab it for you!CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 2 sets 30sec Bike/Row/Ski/100m Run 10 Front squats 10 Banded T pull aparts B. Mobility Banded front delt PNF stretch 5...