CrossFit – Sun, Aug 13

CrossFit Metric – CrossFit

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A. General

400m Run

250’ shuttle run (25’)

50’ lunge + twist

7 Push-up to downward dog

7 Pause ring rows

B. Mobility

PNF lat stretch on floor

10 rep/arm

– Contraction for 7-10 seconds

– stretching for 10 seconds

C. Specific

Give some time to play with odd object clean


Metcon (Checkmark)

EMOM 10 minutes

Odd- 15/13 Cal Row

Even- 30 sec Max Odd object clean

Rest 2 minutes

EMOM 10 minutes

Odd- 15 Burpees

Even- 30 sec max Shuttle runs

Rest 2 minutes

EMOM 10 minutes

Odd- 15 Wall balls 20/14 lbs

Even- 30 sec max Wall walks
TC: 34 minutes

Score: Checkmark

KG: 9/6

Scaling Options:


30 seconds on, 30 seconds off


Row 14/12 Cals

12 Burpees

Wall Balls @ 16/12 lbs

Extra Accessory

Post Chain (Checkmark)

Hip extension on GHD

5 x 15

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

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