Olympic Weightlifting – Sun, Jun 11


NEW Weekly Olympic Lifting Classes:

Every Tuesday at 4:30 pm

Every Thursday at 6:30 pm


Coached by Matheus

Starting this week!!

CrossFit Metric – Olympic Weightlifting

A: Tall Snatch

3×3 @Barbell

Focus on speed under the bar

B: Snatch

50% x 3

60% x 2

70% x 2

75% x 1

80% x 1

85% x 1

75% x 1

80% x 1

85% x 1

C: Clean and Jerk

50% x 3+2

60% x 2+1

70% x 2+1

75% x 1+1

80% x 1+1

85% x 1+1

75% x 1+1

80% x 1+1

85% x 1+1

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