CrossFit – Sat, Dec 31


In order to make our gym a more organized and clean space, we ask that if you left any gear behind, shoes/ knee sleeves/ wrist wraps, you take it home with you immediately.Items left behind will be donated on January 9th

CrossFit Metric – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warmup (Checkmark)

A. General

10 Air squats

5/5 Bottom of Squat T- Spine rotations

30 Jumping jacks

30 Mountain climbers

10 L unges

5 Upward to Downward Dog

B. Specific

Go over the workout and have athletes practice a couple of reps on each movement with an empty bar.

Then build up the barbell.


A1: Metcon (Time)

“Seasons Beatings”

In teams of 2,for time of:

50- bar facing burpees

50- wall balls 20/14 lbs

50- Deadlifts, 135/95 lbs

50- power cleans, 135/95 lbs

50- Push jerk, 135/95 lbs

50- Pull ups

100- Double unders

50- back squats, 135/95 lbs

50- Toes to bar

100- Double unders

50- Cal Machine

50- Pistols

50- Overhead squats 135/95 lbs

100- Double unders

50- Kettle bell swings 24/16 Kg

50- Thrusters 135/95 lbs

10- Wall walks
TC: 50 min

Score: Time