CrossFit – Wed, Oct 19

CrossFit Metric – CrossFit

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A. General

2 Sets

30 Jumping Jacks

5 Push Up to Down Dog

6/6 Greatest Stretch

10 Reverse Snow Angels

20 Straight Arm Lat Pull Down

5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B. Mobility

5 Wall Slides

5/5 Side Lying T-spine rotation*

20/20 Sec. Banded Lat Stretch

C. Specific

2 sets

5 Scap pull up

10 Beat Swings

2 BMU; C2B; Pull Ups; Banded Pull Ups


A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Death by Bar Muscle-ups

Minute 1: 1 reps

Minute 2: 2 reps

Minute 3: 3 reps

Etc until failure or 10 min.

Scaling Options:


Assisted Strict pull ups

3 reps


C2B  or Kipping Pull Ups


B: Metcon (Time)

10 Rounds

10 Slam Balls*

5 Hang Power Snatch 135/95lbs

Rest 30 seconds between rounds

TC: 17 Min.

*Slam ball subs: -Ski erg Calories – Weighted v-ups – Medball sit-ups

Scaling Options


5 Ball slams @ light

5 Hang power snatches @ unbroken


10 Ball Slams @ 20/10lbs

5 Hang Power Snatch @ 115/75


Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes

15 Cal Ski

5 Hang Power Snatch @135/95 lbs

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