
CrossFit Metric – Fitness

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

E3MOM for 12 minutes (4 rounds):

A1: Strict Chin Ups, 3-6, 3011

A2: Single Leg KB Deadlift, 6-8 E/S, 3010

B: Metcon (Time)

For time:

30 DB Snatch, 35/25

30 Ring Rows

30 Burpees to a 6″ target

20 DB Snatch, 35/25

20 Ring Rows

20 Burpees to a 6″ target

10 DB Snatch, 35/25

10 Ring Rows

10 Burpees to a 6″ target

Time cap: 12 minutes
– Ring Rows should be performed at a challenging angle.

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