
CrossFit Metric – Performance

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A: EMOM 10: Pull Ups


Level 1: 1-3 Strict Pull Ups, 40X1

Level 2: 4 -8 Kipping Pull Ups

Level 3: 5-8 CTB Pull Ups

Rest 3 minutes before section B

B: Complete 2 sets to failure, aim for 35 to 40 seconds + of time under tension on first set. rest 1 minute between sets

Level 1: Ring Rows, 3011 tempo

Level 2: Strict chin ups, supinated grip, 2011

Level 3: weighted chip ups, supinated grip, 2011

C: Metcon (Time)

4 rounds for time:

10 Box Jump (step down) 24/20

20 DB Snatch (alt) 50/35

30 Sit Ups

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