Saturday COMP Class

CrossFit Metric – Competition

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Workout A – on the 5-minute x 3-rounds (15-minute running clock):

DB Alternating Step Ups x 10-pair with 50/35 at 24/20″

DB Single Arm OHWL x 10 steps L-arm then 10-steps R-arm with 50/35

Toes -to-Bar x 15

AMRAP HSPU with remaining time

Score is total reps of HSPU across three rounds

Metcon (Time)

Workout B for time (20-minute CAP):

5-rounds of:

10-reps of Power Snatch at 95/65#

20-reps of Bar Facing Burpees

Metcon (Time)

Workout C for time (3-min CAP) – two attempts

Each athlete has two attempts to complete the following within 3-minutes:

30/20-Cal Bike

50 Double Unders

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