Holiday competition

CrossFit Metric – Performance

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Metcon (Time)

Partner WOD 1: 12 Days of Christmas.

For time:

1 DB Thruster

2 Push Ups

3 Power snatch

4 Devil’s Press

5 front squats

6 power cleans

7 Pull-Ups

8 DB snatch

9 Toe to bars

10 DB lunges

11 Shoulder to overhead (barbell)

12 DB Front Rack Squats

RX: DB 35/50, Scaled: 15/25

RX: BB 75/115, Scaled: 55/75

Scale Pull Up w/Ring Rows

Scale TTB with Hanging Knee Raises

One partner works while the other rests.

Break up work as you wish.

Order of work: Thruster, Push Ups, Thruster, Push Ups, Power Snatch…..follow the progression to the end.

Partner WOD 2:

Part 1:


3, 6, 9……

Calorie Row

Burpees over the Rower


Partners alternate movements.

One partner rests while the other works.

Part 2:

3 RM OH Squat,

Scaled: 5 RM Front Squat,

At 11 minutes you have to till 16 minutes to complete a 3 Rep Max OH Squat (from the floor) Scaled pairs need to complete a 5 rep max front squat (from the floor). Score is total weight of best lift successfully lifted by pair.

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