CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General EMOM 4 Odd: Bike/Row/Ski Even: 12 Burpee B. Mobility PNF hamstring stretch 5x/leg 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot 5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back C. Drills + Activation 3 sets 5-7 Box circle drills (CTB)* 10 Banded chest rows 15 Plate...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 5/5 Greatest Stretch 12 Shoulder Taps 6 Hip Rotations 90/90 10 Glute Bridges 10 BB Bent Over Row B. Specific 3 sets @ascending 3 Back squats 5 Back rack elbow rotations 3 Front squats *Re rack the bar between the elbow rotations and front squatsWeightliftingA: Front Squat...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 3 sets 30 second Row @ increasing intensity 5 scap pulls + 7 Beat swings 25’ Lunge + twist B. Specific Bar mu 3 sets 5 Shoulder extensions 10 Banded Hollow body lat Pulldown 3 Glide Kip + 1 Bar mu or Jumping...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 2 Rounds 1 min Row 10 World's Greatest Stretch 5 Upward to Downward Dog 15 "IYT" 6/6 Single Leg RDL C. Specific -5 No contact, no hook, muscle cleans -5 Clean first pulls -5 Clean pulls -5 tall cleans -5 tempo cleansWeightliftingA1: Muscle Clean (Max for the day)A2:...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 1 min Easy Row 30 sec. Frog Position 10 Air Squats 1 min Moderate Row or Bike 20/20 sec Hip Opener * 10 Curtsy lunges 30 sec Hard Row or Bike * B. Activation 3 sets 20 Monster Walks 5 Back Squats @50/60/70% C. WOD Specific 2...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 2 Rounds 5/5 World's greatest stretch 6 Hip Rotations 90/90 20 sec. Glute Bridge + 5/5 Single Leg 10 Banded Pull Apart 5 Cuban Press 10 Full squat T spine rotations B. Specific @empty barbell 3 Snatch high pulls 3 Muscle Snatch 3 OHS with 2 sec pause 3...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. Specific Bench Press Activation 3 rounds 10 cal Assault bike 10 Partner Med ball chest passes 10 Horizontal plate presses B. Specific Rowing Speed ramp up: 3 sets 50m Legs only row (arms straight, hips closed) 50m Legs and hips (arms straight) 100m Full stroke...

CrossFit Metric - Olympic WeightliftingSnatch Practice (15-mins)Hang Power Snatch* + Hang Squat Snatch* 2-reps at 40% 2-reps at 50% 3-reps at 60% 3-reps at 70% 5-reps at 75% *Hang above the knee.Clean Practice (15-mins)Hang Power Clean* + Hang Squat Clean* 2-reps at 40% 2-reps at 50% 3-reps at 60% 3-reps at 70% 5-reps at 75% *Hang above...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 3 rounds @ increasing intensity 20 sec step-up overs 20 sec Walking lunges 20 sec V-ups 20 sec Jumping Jacks B. Mobility 60sec Quadruped calf pedals Metcon (4 Rounds for time) With a Partner Every 10 minutes for 40 minutes 50 DB Box Step...

CrossFit Metric - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-up A. General 2 Sets 1 min Row 10 Cat Cow 6 Scorpions 8/8 Single Leg RDL + Bent Over Row 10 Squat Jumps B. Mobility 10 Elbow Rotations 20 sec. Bottom of Front Squat Hold 5 Press in Clean* * C. Specific 5 Clean first pull 5 Hang clean pull 5...