Tuesday, September 20th 2022

CrossFit Metric – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

2 Rounds

60 seconds Machine

5/5 Deadbug

5/5 Cossack squats

30 sec. Hollow Rocks

B. Mobility

Goblet squat hold + shift

2x 10 seconds stretch/ankle.

Stand up for 10 seconds before the next set


C. Specific

2 sets @55 and 65%

5 tempo squats (tempo 4 sec. descent)

5 Quarter squat jumps


A: Back Squat (5 x 7 @75-80%)

Every 2:30

Tempo 40X1


B: Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time

30 Sit-Ups

30 Cal Row/Bike

40 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges @50/35
TC: 16 min

Scaling Options


20 Sit Ups

15 Cal Machine

20 DB Front Rack Lunge


30 Sit Ups

20 Cal Machine (200-400m run)

40 FR Rev. Lunges @35/25

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