
CrossFit Metric – CrossFit

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of Three

Part A (18-minute clock):

3-min AMRAP each partner of Power Snatch x 5 + Lateral Buprees Over x Bar x 10

(NOTE — each partner does two 3-minute AMRAP’s)

REST 2-minutes

Part B (15-minute clock)

AMRAP Wall Walks

One partner must be doing Wall-Walks at all times

Two other partners chip away at (one partner works at a time):

100 Front Squats

100 TTB

100 DB Step Up Pairs

100 Push Press

100 AMSU

Rx: 95/65 + DB one 50/35

Fitness: 75/55 + DB one 35/25


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